DC Heroes Role-Playing Game Starring Swamp Thing

DC Heroes Role-Playing Game – Second Edition (1989)
by Mayfair Games

Sometimes Swamp Thing can be found in the strangest of places. Sometimes Swamp Thing pops-up in a game, and you have the game not to play but because it features a Swamp Thing character card that you just have to have. Sometimes being a completest can be a pain in the wallet. I kid but it is a substantial sized game set just for a really cool Swamp Thing card and a few mentions within the game manuals.

Swamp Thing character card
I can’t find info on the artist responsible for the character cards. If anyone out there knows who illustrated the cards, please drop me a line.

Backside of character card

All of Swamp Thing’s attributes and powers seem to check out on the back of the card, give or take a few variations in what we are accustomed to. His drawbacks include marriage and looking strange.

The game isn’t terribly difficult to find online but I did notice that the price has risen considerably, coming in at around $100.

The DC HEROES Role-Playing Game includes
* Read This First! booklet, with a Batman solitaire adventure
* The Rules Manual
* The Character Handbook
* The Background/Roster Book, including game statistics for over 250 characters and featuring essays by Robert Greenberger, Jack Kirby, Robert Kanigher, Neil Gaiman, Dan Jurgens, and Roger Stern
* Full-length JLI Adventure: Exposed.
* Action Wheel * Full-color Gamemaster’s Screen
* 75 Illustrated Character Cards, featuring Justice League America, Justice League Europe, the New Titans, the Suicide Squad, Watchmen, and more!

I shuffled through the 75 cards and pulled some of my favorites. The deck features a number of great Vertigo and DC characters, new and old.


Below are a couple excerpts relating to Swamp Thing, from the game manuals. Much of the information from the character card is repeated within the profile excerpt, below.


Below is an excerpt focused on The Parliament of Trees. The information helps to give players some context to Swamp Thing and his connection to the Earth.

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